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Mobile phone is changing the lifestyle of our new generation November 6, 2009

Posted by bdoza in BANGLADESH, TECHNOLOGY.
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mobile phone 1In Bangladesh, you would hardly see any young people, male or female without a mobile phone. They are using it for communicating with their friends and families, to pass thier time enjoying the music or listening to FM radio, play games, browse the internet, chat or explore the facebook.

Nothing is wrong with all these if the prime job of an individual gets the proper priority. But Mobile phone, the technoligal device of this new era, has created a diversion from the prime objective of the new generatin, specially of the students.

The students are more interested to be unnecessary indulged in useless gossip/chat for hours together, keep themselves aloof from the family and immediate sorrounding and more interested to be in connection with distant people.

Their liking for day and night has changed. They prefer to remain awake to the end of the night and to be busy in their futile exercise, prefer to rise up late in the morning and often miss the classes and their liking for traditional classes deminised than their predicessors.

You are to blame to some extent the telecom companies also for the change of the teens and twenties in their prefence to night.The companies certainly deserve praise for their contribution in bringing the new device to the doors of the people but they, for their own commercial interest, keep the call rate during night unimaginably low to attract the young to pass their night awake.

Only the Government with strong regularity bodies could protect the students from this exploitation by the telecoms in the name of liberalisation of technology but the governments in the past didn’t do so and we are not sure about the future.

An ordinary citizen


1. Mahmud faisal - November 7, 2009

Sigh….. 😦

I don’t know whether you know the deepest dark side of mobile among the teenagers… but I can see… everyday… around me…

Just become tensed and frustrated sometimes thinking about the future of our society, generation, trends….

Good post BDoza vai…. right-timed also 🙂

2. bdoza - November 7, 2009

What’s ‘the deepest dark side’? I doubt I know!

3. Global Voices Online » Bangladesh: Mobile Phone And The Teenagers - November 7, 2009

[…] Ordinary Citizen argues that mobile phones are changing the lifestyles of the younger generation in Bangladesh. This is […]

4. Moderator BdOsint - November 8, 2009

“useless gossip/chat for hours together”

Who decides what is useful and what is useless?

5. Ibne Siraj - November 8, 2009

There is nothing wrong in judging. Judging is human nature. We are always judging one another (Mr. Moderator!) and also judging the events affecting us.
A very interesting discourse! There is point to ponder.

6. Moderator BdOsint - November 10, 2009

Siraj : Very well said, but if we are going to be judgmental on terms that inhibits human communication we will as a Nation be blamed for ‘moral policing’ and it will not help in an way deflect the Western misconstrued ‘judgments’ about us being a ‘fundamentalist’ people.

The thrust of the article seems to focus on some kind of ‘control’ on mobile communications, tragedy is it concentrates on the end users, when in reality it is no fault of the user as how he/she is ‘using or abusing’ devices, cause in the end ‘judgment’ they may well argue that pay for the service – and do not get it free – so its none of our business. We simply cannot intrude on anybody’s privacy can we?

What I recommend (and has not come across strongly in the article) is the Telco’s be ordered to create an acceptable parameter of operational behavior to correct the situation.

There is absolutely no control on the way they make money and their unscrupulous practices are causing societal frictions and restlessness. Nowhere else in the world are SMS as cheap as in Bangladesh, as also the rates are unimaginably low. There is also a indirect profiling of users, with ‘young’ people being offered rates at night which is discriminatory and cannot or should not be encouraged – as it is an inducement.

We cannot expect the Government to do anything to change the situation as it is a part and parcel of the entire corruption. Indeed just Grameen makes more money than the Bangladesh Government itself!

What really needs to be done is for a group of Citizens to file a Public Litigation Suit and bring these Telco’s to justice.

I wonder if anybody will take that ‘first step’ 🙂

7. patriot - November 11, 2009

Parents and guardians are feeling frustrated, no doubt but there are few people who could see any remedy of the situation.

Is there no citizen group who could take up the issue?!

8. nisshobdo_rati - November 12, 2009

I know this is a point of conflict and how a technology should be used – depends on how a person thinks. Dynamite was not discovered to be used in War, but that is the most common use of it. Problem is, we have been thrust upon the FREE access to the technology without being made aware of the implication of OVERUSE-ing it. There should be awareness program and restriction rules around target audience for all this..

@Moderator BdOsint – since you are pointing these out, what is the ‘first step’? I would gladly do the leg work provided that there is an outcome to this problem.

9. Ibne Siraj - November 14, 2009

The darker side of Mobile is discused in the recent issue of weekly magazine of Daily Star in ‘Deadly Exposure‘.

The Moderator BdOsint may have suggestions how to combat this menace also.

10. kodrat - November 21, 2009

nice site dude

11. maseera khatun - April 18, 2014

hello friends .i agree with your previous conversation and i really appreciate you guys but the only thing which i wanted to express is that discussing or arguing about anything with anyone is easy but to practice it practically wont work out .why because we are not the only person to do it, everyone must take this as a serious problem.everyone should make rules of themselves and also make practice in their daily life and our duty is to encourage such people and even we should make practice and also explain the others about the problems that they are going to face by making wrong use of technology so that they might understand .

12. beneath balaji - May 15, 2015

I like this presentation very much I would like to need more something new about the technology

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